Sunday, January 24, 2010

Utah Valley Marathon

Signed up for my first Marathon! Kinda freakin out...its not till June 12th but i'm super pumped. Let the training begin!


Mandy said...

Good for you. One day I hope to do a 10K and for me that'll be a Madsen girls seem to all be good runners though. I'm re-motivated to work out now. (although a prego person can't be quite as intense ;)

{Emily Yeates} said...

Oh my goodness, you are amazing. Announcing that you are running a marathon is like announcing that you are pregnant- everyone starts telling you horror stories. Good thing I've never run one :-). Best of luck and keep us posted on your training!!!

Corey and Bridgette said...

Are you doing the FULL marathon?! Your nuts...and my idol! That's awesome!

Lisa Harris said...

Way to go Haley!

Sidney said...

Oh I'm so glad you're following my example.....NOT.... where do you kids come from. Good luck for that and the coming week praying all goes well.Love you!