Sunday, June 1, 2008

Down Town Divas

It was so fun walking around the Mesa Arts Center! I had never done it before. We took some cool shots but my camera was on the wrong flash or something so they didnt really turn out that good. After our photo shoot, my friend Casi whos family owns Sweet Cakes let us go and have a little midnight snack at the bakery! I was in heaven! All the cookies had just gotten out of the oven because their baker bakes all night! Too bad Rachel wasnt in town cause she would have loved to have one of their sugar cookies, sorry Rach maybe I'll share with ya next time!


Sidney said...

Love the new look and cool picture. Rissa's shorts are to short!

the waites said...

So many festivities..I have tyo hurry cause bill is in the Bathroom and I snuck on the computer. Hello I didnt know you went to Geisha House in LA..we went when CAndice came to visit.{super posh} As for the super artsy Love photo-very cool. I miss you, please enjoy those sugar cookies without me. I am on a very strict no sweets week. PLease wish me luck. Keep up the blogging, I love to see my super model sisters. I thought Rissa was you in one picture. CRAZY!

Natalie Hall said...

Jane look how active and beautiful you are in front of the camera. Who takes all the fun photos? Do you guys have personal photographers when your out on the town, or maybe some kind guy always pops up at the right time, to take pictures of you babe! Oh goodness I love the blogging world. Maybe Roman will start updating his blog once a year...... Jane, thanks amillion over and over for all your help with my kiddos. I couldn't do it all without the continual family support I recieve day in and day out......

Annie said...

I love your new blog. Another darling Madsen girl takes the spotlight. You are all so cute! You all take after that model mother of yours:)

melody said...

I just discovered your blog. Fun times! Great photo shoot!