Monday, February 15, 2010

The Chocolate

We found the cutest dessert shop in Orem called The Chocolate! We got pazookies, hot chocolate, huge cookies and cupcakes so pretty much everthing on the menu. Always fun getting together with roman, shay, candice, rachel and willie! I love havin family up here :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bye Bye Paul Mitchell!

First day of hair school

I never thought I would see the day!! Sept 22 2008 to Feb 13 2010. Such good times at the P-Mitch! I must say I have bitter sweet feelings with graduating hair school. I had a blast. It went by so fast but so slow at the same time... Im going to miss all of my friends and seeing them everyday, I wouldnt have survived without my best friend Megan! But on the other hand I wont miss the 2 dollar tips from doing weaves on the thickest, longest hair EVER or doing day AND night school (9am to 10pm!) Its time to start making the big bucks! Now I just gotta find a job...haha anyone need their hair done??